As the years pass, language evolves.
Since the days of Chaucer and Shakespeare, we can all agree English has become less flowery.
Some fantastic vocabulary just dropped out of everyday conversation.
Author Mark Forsyth writes about the words we've lost. From his book "Horologicon" to his Tumblr and published articles, we compiled a list of the best words that need reviving.
1. Ultracrepidarian (n):"Somebody who gives opinions on subjects they know nothing about."
Example: Too many ultracrepidarians discuss the conflict in Syria.
2. Snollygoster (n): "A shrewed, unprincipled person, especially a politician."
Example: Many consider Chris Christie a snollygoster after the Bridgegate scandal.
3. Zwodder (n): "A drowsy and stupid state of body or mind."
Example: Without my morning coffee, I remain in a zwodder all day.
4. Philogrobolized (adj): "Conveys a hangover without ever having to admit you've been drinking."
Example: Pedialyte freezer pops can save even the most philogrobized partier.
5. Grufeling (v): "To lie close wrapped up and in a comfortable-looking manner; used in ridicule."
Example: Avoid grufeling in the face of a challenge.
6. Clinomania (n): "An obsessive desire to lie down."
Example: Without adequate sleep, you'll suffer from more than clinomania.
7. Hum durgeon (n): "An imaginary illness; also "the thickest part of his thigh is nearest his arse."
Example: You should never claim hum durgeon to miss work.
8. Quomodocunquize (v): "To make money in any way that you can.”
Example: Rather than quomodocunquizing, invest your money wisely.
9. Fudgel (v): "Pretending to work when you're not actually doing anything at all."
Example: Sometimes fudgeling can actually increase your focus.
10. Snecklifter (n): "A person who pokes his [or her] head into a pub to see if there's anyone who might stand him [or her] a drink."
Example: Snecklifters never pay for their own whiskey — or offer to buy one for you.
11. Ergophobia (n): "The morbid fear of returning to work."
Example: The worst employees suffer from extreme ergophobia on Mondays.
12. Famelicose (adj): "Constantly hungry."
Example: I'm famelicose for a grilled cheese.
13. Groke (v): "To gaze at somebody while they're eating in the hope that they'll give you some of their food."
Example: My dog constantly grokes at me longingly while I eat dinner.
SEE ALSO: The Historical Origins Of 6 Swear Words